Rest stands for Representational state transfer.
It is used to develop distributed applications.
Distributed applications are used for B2B communication.
Interoperability means irrespective of the platform and language applications can communicate.
Let's understand B2B communication
Requirement :- Have weather data in my MiIT APP.

Here we are not developing MiIT application with all the code of how to get data from the weather instead of this I am getting data from the weather app developed by google I am not writing the logic to get the data from the weather. This is called B2B communication.

Here customers use bank applications and make the payment, so this is called C2B communication, and it is done by web app or application. But in amazon case we have opened the amazon app and at the end we are paying through bank, so Amazon is communicating with the bank API and that is call B2B communication. So, amazon don’t have logic to make payment, but they are using logic of bank using API.
What is Interoperability ?
Interoperability means irrespective of the platform and language applications can communicate.

Here amazon application is developed using .NET language and Bank API is develop using java. So to make a payment after adding product into the cart we are calling logic return in JAVA language. So irrespective of platform we can communicate using RESTful services.
We have 2 actors in RESTful services.
1) Provider
2) Consumer
The application which is providing services to other applications is called Provider or Resource application.
The application which is accessing services from other applications is called Consumer or Client application.
Client application and Resource application will exchange data in interoperable format (like XML & JSON
