Java programming has numerous keyboard shortcuts that can significantly speed up your development workflow. Below, I've compiled a list of some commonly used shortcuts for Java programming in various IDEs and text editors:
1. General Shortcuts:
- Ctrl + N (Cmd + N on macOS): Create a new file/class.
- Ctrl + O (Cmd + O on macOS): Open an existing file/class.
- Ctrl + S (Cmd + S on macOS): Save the current file.
- Ctrl + Shift + S (Cmd + Shift + S on macOS): Save all open files.
- Ctrl + C (Cmd + C on macOS): Copy selected text.
- Ctrl + X (Cmd + X on macOS): Cut selected text.
- Ctrl + V (Cmd + V on macOS): Paste copied or cut text.
- Ctrl + Z (Cmd + Z on macOS): Undo the last action.
- Ctrl + Y (Cmd + Y on macOS): Redo the last undone action.
- Ctrl + F (Cmd + F on macOS): Find text within the current file.
- Ctrl + Shift + F (Cmd + Shift + F on macOS): Find text across the entire project.
- Ctrl + H (Cmd + H on macOS): Open the Search/Replace dialog.
2. Code Navigation:
- Ctrl + Click (Cmd + Click on macOS): Navigate to the declaration of a variable or method.
- Ctrl + Shift + T (Cmd + Shift + T on macOS): Open the "Go to Test" dialog (JUnit tests).
- Ctrl + E (Cmd + E on macOS): Display a list of recently opened files.
- Ctrl + F12 (Cmd + F12 on macOS): Show the structure of the current file.
- Alt + Left/Right (Cmd + [/] on macOS): Navigate back and forward between editor positions.
3. Code Editing:
- Ctrl + Space (Cmd + Space on macOS): Auto-complete code.
- Ctrl + Shift + Space (Cmd + Shift + Space on macOS): Smart code completion.
- Ctrl + Shift + Enter (Cmd + Shift + Enter on macOS): Complete the current statement.
- Ctrl + / (Cmd + / on macOS): Comment/uncomment selected lines.
- Ctrl + D (Cmd + D on macOS): Duplicate the current line or selection.
- Ctrl + Shift + ↑/↓ (Cmd + Shift + ↑/↓ on macOS): Move lines or selections up/down.
- Ctrl + Shift + L (Cmd + Shift + L on macOS): Show a list of available shortcuts.
- Alt + Insert (Cmd + N on macOS): Generate code (getters, setters, constructors, etc.).
4. Debugging:
- F5: Step into (when debugging).
- F6: Step over (when debugging).
- F7: Step out (when debugging).
- F8: Resume program execution (when debugging).
- Ctrl + Shift + B (Cmd + Shift + B on macOS): Toggle breakpoint.
- Ctrl + Shift + F8 (Cmd + Shift + F8 on macOS): View breakpoints.
These are just a few of the many shortcuts available in Java IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, and NetBeans, as well as text editors like Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text. Using these shortcuts, you can increase your coding productivity and make your Java programming experience more enjoyable. Feel free to explore the IDE or editor you are using to discover more helpful shortcuts tailored to your development environment.