Lazy Loading:
Imagine you are a teacher with a classroom full of students, and each student has a separate folder containing their subjects and grades.
Lazy loading is like having an assistant who only retrieves a student's folder when you specifically ask for it.
When you need information about a particular student, you tell the assistant, and they fetch that student's folder with their subjects and grades.
Lazy loading in Hibernate works similarly. When you fetch a student object from the database, it only loads the associated subjects and grades when you explicitly access them.
This approach helps save time and resources because the subjects and grades data is not loaded upfront unless it is specifically requested.
However, be careful not to request the subjects and grades when the assistant is unavailable (e.g., when the Hibernate session is closed or the object is detached).
Eager Loading:
Let's go back to the classroom with students and their subject folders.
Eager loading is like having an enthusiastic assistant who immediately presents you with all the students' folders and their respective subjects and grades as soon as you express interest in any student.
When you show curiosity about a specific student, the assistant brings you that student's folder along with all the other folders containing subjects and grades.
Eager loading in Hibernate works similarly. When you fetch a student object from the database, it loads all the associated subjects and grades simultaneously, without waiting for separate requests.
This approach ensures that you have access to the subjects and grades data immediately, along with the student details.
However, keep in mind that eager loading can increase the time and resources required to fetch data, especially when dealing with numerous students and their associated subjects and grades.