Stream Api: Beginner guide
Stream API is an incredibly powerful tool in Java that every developer should equip themselves with. It enables you to process collections in a more elegant and expressive way, making your code look cleaner and easier to understand. Mastering streams is not only a significant step towards becoming a proficient Java programmer but also enhances your ability to solve complex problems efficiently.
In traditional Java coding, you often encounter verbose boilerplate code when dealing with collections. On the other hand, languages like Python allow you to perform similar tasks in just a single line of code, resulting in more concise and readable programs. This is where the Stream API comes to the rescue. Introduced in Java 8, the Stream API revolutionised how data can be processed in Java by providing functional programming constructs.
Streams are like pipelines that allow you to operate on collections in a lazy and declarative manner. Instead of explicit loops, you can chain a series of operations on the stream, which automatically handles iteration and processing of the elements. This approach reduces the need for manual loop management and makes your code more declarative and easier to maintain.
One of the core advantages of using streams is their lazy nature. Stream operations are performed only when a terminal operation is called. This allows for better performance as it avoids unnecessary computations and iterations, making streams more efficient for handling large datasets.
By adapting streams in your coding practices, you can achieve several benefits:
Improved Code Readability: Streams use a fluent and functional style, making your code more expressive and concise. This leads to better readability and understanding of the code's purpose and logic.
Enhanced Maintainability: With streams, your code becomes less error-prone and easier to maintain. The declarative style focuses on what to do rather than how to do it, reducing the risk of introducing bugs during modifications.
Code Reusability: By using intermediate operations like filter() and map(), you can define reusable data transformation steps, promoting modular and clean code design.
Parallelism Support: Streams also offer built-in support for parallel processing, allowing you to take advantage of multi-core processors and improve the performance of certain data processing tasks.
As you begin working with streams, you'll find yourself using various intermediate and terminal operations. Intermediate operations, such as filter(), map(), and flatMap(), allow you to modify and filter the elements of the stream before performing terminal operations. Terminal operations, like collect(), forEach(), and reduce(), produce a final result or a side-effect.
Understanding when to use each operation and how to chain them effectively will enhance your proficiency with streams. Moreover, mastering streams will provide you with a powerful toolset to tackle various data manipulation and analysis tasks with ease.
In the subsequent sections of this article, we'll explore practical examples and real-world use cases of streams, further reinforcing your understanding and encouraging you to incorporate streams into your everyday coding practices. Remember, practice is the key to perfecting your skills, and with streams, you'll witness a significant improvement in the elegance and efficiency of your Java code. So, let's dive into the world of Stream API and unlock its full potential in your Java programming journey.
How to create streams in java? Package is used while creating streams.
We can create stream from collections:
List<String> list = Arrays.asList("apple", "banana", "orange");
Stream<String> streamFromList =;
From an array:
String[] array = {"one", "two", "three"};
Stream<String> streamFromArray =;
From Fixed Set of Elements:
Stream<Integer> streamOfNumbers = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
From a Range of Numbers:
IntStream intStream = IntStream.range(1, 6); // Creates a stream from 1 to 5 (exclusive)
LongStream longStream = LongStream.rangeClosed(1, 5); // Creates a stream from 1 to 5 (inclusive)
From Stream.generate() or Stream.iterate():
Stream<Double> randomStream = Stream.generate(Math::random);
Stream<Integer> sequentialStream = Stream.iterate(1, i -> i + 1).limit(10);
From a File or IO:
try (Stream<String> linesStream = Files.lines(Paths.get("file.txt"))) {
// Process the lines of the file stream
} catch (IOException e) {
// Handle the exception
You can create streams from any of ways. Once, you understand ways of creating streams lets dive into a real code where streams can be written as below for an item class:
import java.util.*;
class Item {
int id;
String name;
float price;
public Item(int id, String name, float price) { = id; = name;
this.price = price;
public class JavaStreamExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Item> itemsList = new ArrayList<Item>();
// Adding Items with different names and prices
itemsList.add(new Item(1, "Book", 20.0f));
itemsList.add(new Item(2, "Pen", 5.0f));
itemsList.add(new Item(3, "Notebook", 15.0f));
itemsList.add(new Item(4, "Pencil", 2.0f));
itemsList.add(new Item(5, "Eraser", 3.0f));
.filter(item -> item.price > 5.0f) // filtering data
.map(item -> item.price) // fetching price
.forEach(System.out::println); // print the filtered prices directly
In this code we are filtering the price of item using filter() then we are fetching all items using map() and the we are printing the data using foreach().
Here, I want you to look at the order of the stream methods, filter() and map() are processing the data thus those known as intermediate streams, foreach() is printing the data thus it is terminal stream. A terminal stream always gives you output thus all terminal methods should be appended after intermediate methods.
Some more example of methods in stream:
filter(Predicate<T> predicate): Filters the stream based on the given predicate, keeping only the elements that satisfy the condition.
map(Function<T, R> mapper): Transforms each element of the stream using the provided mapper function.
flatMap(Function<T, Stream<R>> mapper): Flattens a stream of streams into a single stream by applying the mapper function to each element and then concatenating the resulting streams.
distinct(): Removes duplicate elements from the stream.
sorted(): Sorts the elements of the stream in their natural order.
sorted(Comparator<T> comparator): Sorts the elements of the stream using the specified comparator.
limit(long maxSize): Limits the size of the stream to the specified number of elements.
skip(long n): Skips the first n elements of the stream.
peek(Consumer<T> action): Performs a side-effect operation on each element of the stream without changing the stream itself.
Terminal Operations:
collect(Collector<T, A, R> collector): Collects the elements of the stream into a mutable result container using the specified collector.
toArray(): Converts the stream into an array.
forEach(Consumer<T> action): Performs the specified action on each element of the stream.
forEachOrdered(Consumer<T> action): Performs the specified action on each element of the stream in encounter order.
reduce(T identity, BinaryOperator<T> accumulator): Performs a reduction on the elements of the stream using the identity value and the associative accumulation function.
reduce(BinaryOperator<T> accumulator): Performs a reduction on the elements of the stream using the accumulator function.
min(Comparator<T> comparator): Returns the minimum element of the stream based on the specified comparator.
max(Comparator<T> comparator): Returns the maximum element of the stream based on the specified comparator.
count(): Returns the count of elements in the stream.
anyMatch(Predicate<T> predicate): Returns true if any element of the stream matches the given predicate; otherwise, returns false.
allMatch(Predicate<T> predicate): Returns true if all elements of the stream match the given predicate; otherwise, returns false.
noneMatch(Predicate<T> predicate): Returns true if no elements of the stream match the given predicate; otherwise, returns false.
findFirst(): Returns an Optional containing the first element of the stream, or an empty Optional if the stream is empty.
findAny(): Returns an Optional containing any element of the stream, or an empty Optional if the stream is empty.
Streams in Java are one-time use pipelines that are inherently lazy and do not operate on actual data directly. Intermediate operations like map() and filter() take a stream as input and produce a new stream, while terminal operations like collect() yield non-stream results. Embrace their one-time use and functional approach to create clean, elegant, and efficient code.
In conclusion, the Stream API in Java is a powerful and essential tool for developers, offering a more concise, readable, and efficient way to process collections. By utilizing streams, you can significantly reduce boilerplate code, enhance code maintainability, and focus on what needs to be done rather than how it should be done. The lazy evaluation and functional approach of streams make them a game-changer in Java programming, enabling developers to tackle complex data processing tasks with ease and elegance. Embracing streams in your coding practices will undoubtedly elevate your proficiency in Java and unlock new possibilities for cleaner and more expressive code. Happy coding!