Basic Linux commands:
#ls -al = Displays information about all files/directories (including hidden)
#pwd = Show the path of current directory
#mkdir directory-name = Create a directory
#rm file-name = Delete file
#rm -r directory-name = Delete directory recursively
#rm -f file-name = Forcefully remove file
#rm -rf directory-name = Forcefully remove directory recursively
#cp file1 file2 = Copy file 1 to file 2
#cp -r dir1 dir2 = Copy dir1 to dir2, create dir2 if it doesn't exist
#mv file1 file2 = Rename source to dest/ move source to directory
#ln -s /path/to/file-name link-name = Create symbolic link to file link
#touch file = Create or update file
#cat > file = Place standard input into file
#more file = Output contents of file
#head file = Output first 10 lines of file
#tail file = Output last 10 lines of file
#tail -f file = Output contents of file as it grows starting with the last 10 lines
#gpg -c file = Encrypt file
#gpg file.gpg = Decrypt file
#wc = Print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files
#xargs = Execute command lines from standard input
#ps = Display your currently active processes
#usermod = Modify user information
#id = Show the active user id with login and group
#last = Show last logins on the system
#who = Show who is logged on the system
#userdel sam = Delete user "sam"
#adduser sam = Add user "sam"
#whoami = Who you are logged in as
#finger user = Display information about user
#date = Show the current date
#cal = Show this month calendar
#w = Display who is online
#uname -a = Display linux system information
#uname -r = Display kernel release information