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ArrayList vs. LinkedList: Which is Best for Your Java Application?


When working with Java, choosing the right data structure for your application can significantly impact performance and efficiency. Two commonly used List implementations in the Java Collections Framework are ArrayList and LinkedList. While both serve as dynamic arrays that can grow and shrink as needed, they have distinct characteristics and performance implications. Here, we will explore the differences between ArrayList and LinkedList to determine which is best for your Java application.

ArrayList: Overview and Characteristics

An ArrayList is a resizable array implementation of the List interface. It provides constant-time positional access to elements, meaning that accessing any element by its index is very fast. Here's a deeper look at its characteristics:

  1. Underlying Structure: ArrayList is backed by a dynamic array. When the array's capacity is exceeded, a new array is created with a larger capacity, and the existing elements are copied over.

  2. Access Time: ArrayList provides O(1) time complexity for accessing elements by index. This makes it ideal for scenarios where frequent read operations are required.

  3. Insertion and Deletion: Adding elements to the end of an ArrayList is generally O(1), but inserting or deleting elements can be O(n) since elements may need to be shifted.

  4. Memory Consumption: ArrayList typically uses less memory per element than a LinkedList because it doesn't have the overhead of storing pointers to the next and previous elements.


List<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();




LinkedList: Overview and Characteristics

A LinkedList is a doubly-linked list implementation of the List interface. Each element (or node) contains a reference to both the previous and next elements. This structure provides different performance characteristics:

  1. Underlying Structure: LinkedList consists of nodes that hold data and references to the next and previous nodes, forming a chain.

  2. Access Time: Accessing an element by index requires traversing the list from the beginning or end (whichever is closer), resulting in O(n) time complexity. This makes random access slower compared to ArrayList.

  3. Insertion and Deletion: LinkedList excels at insertions and deletions. Adding or removing elements at the beginning or end of the list is O(1), and inserting or deleting in the middle is O(1) as long as you have the reference to the node.

  4. Memory Consumption: Each element in a LinkedList requires additional memory to store references to the next and previous nodes, leading to higher memory consumption per element.


List<String> linkedList = new LinkedList<>();




Comparison: ArrayList vs. LinkedList

Key Difference




Uses a dynamic array to store elements. Supports storage of all types of objects

Uses a doubly linked list to store elements. Supports storage of all types of objects

Manipulation Time

Takes more time due to internal array traversal and shifting during removal

Takes less time as there's no concept of shifting; reference links are changed during removal

Memory Utilization

Inefficient memory utilization

Good memory utilization


Can be one, two, or multi-dimensional

Can be single, double, or circular LinkedList

Insertion Operation



Implemented Interfaces

Implements the List interface

Implements both List and Deque interfaces


Works better for storing and accessing data

Works better for manipulating stored data

Data Access and Storage

Efficient as it stores elements according to indexes

Slow in LinkedList

Deletion Operation

Not very efficient

Very efficient

Data Type Restriction

Used to store only similar types of data

Used to store any type of data

Memory Usage

Uses less memory

Uses more memory

Memory Allocation

Known as static memory allocation

Known as dynamic memory allocation

These differences highlight the distinct characteristics and use cases for ArrayList and LinkedList in Java. Developers should choose the appropriate data structure based on the specific requirements of their application.

let’s understand when we should use these two data structures

Let's take two scenarios for you:

  1. Let’s say you have to create a grocery list for all the items for your daily needs for the next month

  2. Another list you need to create for your favorite songs

Now lets see what kind of data structure we should use for the first and second use cases?

Where To Use ArrayList?

In our first use case, we can definitely use an array list as our list can grow if we need more items and we can directly access any item on this list. Basically, ArrayList<E> allows fast random read access, so you can grab any element in constant time.

Also, if we want to add more elements than the capacity of the underlying array, a new array is allocated, and the old array is copied to the new one, so adding to an ArrayList is O(n) in the worst case but constant on average.

But adding or removing from anywhere requires shifting all the latter elements over to make an opening or fill the gap.

Where To Use LinkedList?

Now for our second use case, we can use LinkedList as LinkedList<E> allows for constant-time insertions or removals using iterators, but only sequential access of the elements.

Now let’s say I’m playing the ‘X’ song of this playlist and want to move to the next song or go back to the previous song then, we can walk the list either forward or backward using the next and previous pointers of each Node.

But finding a position in the list takes time proportional to the size of the list.


Choosing between ArrayList and LinkedList depends on your application's specific requirements. If your application involves frequent access to elements by index and less frequent modifications, ArrayList is likely the better choice due to its fast access time and memory efficiency. On the other hand, if your application requires frequent insertions and deletions, particularly at the ends of the list, LinkedList's efficient handling of these operations makes it the preferred option.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each implementation allows you to optimize your application's performance and resource usage effectively. Make sure to evaluate your use case carefully and choose the data structure that aligns best with your needs.

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